(function($) { "use strict"; $(document).ready(function() { //global variables that are used on several ocassions $.avia_utilities = $.avia_utilities || {}; if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { $.avia_utilities.isMobile = true; } else { $.avia_utilities.isMobile = false; } //activate fixed bg fallback for mobile if($.fn.avia_mobile_fixed) $('.avia-bg-style-fixed').avia_mobile_fixed(); //activate parallax scrolling for backgrounds. if($.fn.avia_parallax) $('.av-parallax').avia_parallax(); //calculate the browser height and append a css rule to the head if($.fn.avia_browser_height) $('.av-minimum-height, .avia-fullscreen-slider, .av-cell-min-height').avia_browser_height(); //calculate the height of each video section if($.fn.avia_video_section) $('.av-section-with-video-bg').avia_video_section(); //creates team social icon tooltip new $.AviaTooltip({'class': "avia-tooltip", data: "avia-tooltip", delay:0, scope: "body"}); //creates icon element tooltip new $.AviaTooltip({'class': "avia-tooltip avia-icon-tooltip", data: "avia-icon-tooltip", delay:0, scope: "body"}); activate_shortcode_scripts(); //layer slider height helper $('.avia-layerslider').layer_slider_height_helper(); //"ajax" portfolio $('.grid-links-ajax').avia_portfolio_preview(); // actiavte the masonry script: sorting/loading/etc if($.fn.avia_masonry) $('.av-masonry').avia_masonry(); //activate the accordion if($.fn.aviaccordion) $('.aviaccordion').aviaccordion(); //activate the accordion if($.fn.avia_textrotator) $('.av-rotator-container').avia_textrotator(); //activates the tab section shortcode if($.fn.avia_sc_tab_section) { $('.av-tab-section-container ').avia_sc_tab_section(); } //activates the tab section shortcode if($.fn.avia_delayed_animation_in_container) { $('.av-animation-delay-container').avia_delayed_animation_in_container(); } }); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ACTIVATE ALL SHORTCODES // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function activate_waypoints(container) { //activates simple css animations of the content once the user scrolls to an elements if($.fn.avia_waypoints) { if(typeof container == 'undefined'){ container = 'body';}; $('.avia_animate_when_visible', container).avia_waypoints(); $('.avia_animate_when_almost_visible', container).avia_waypoints({ offset: '80%'}); if(container == 'body') container = '.avia_desktop body'; $('.av-animated-generic', container).avia_waypoints({ offset: '95%'}); } } function activate_shortcode_scripts(container) { if(typeof container == 'undefined'){ container = 'body';} //activates the form shortcode if($.fn.avia_ajax_form) { $('.avia_ajax_form:not( .avia-disable-default-ajax )', container).avia_ajax_form(); } activate_waypoints(container); //activate the video api if($.fn.aviaVideoApi) { $('.avia-slideshow iframe[src*="youtube.com"], .av_youtube_frame, .avia-slideshow iframe[src*="vimeo.com"], .avia-slideshow video').aviaVideoApi({}, 'li'); } //activates the toggle shortcode if($.fn.avia_sc_toggle) { $('.togglecontainer', container).avia_sc_toggle(); } //activates the tabs shortcode if($.fn.avia_sc_tabs) { $('.top_tab', container).avia_sc_tabs(); $('.sidebar_tab', container).avia_sc_tabs({sidebar:true}); } //activates behavior and animation for gallery if($.fn.avia_sc_gallery) { $('.avia-gallery', container).avia_sc_gallery(); } //activates animated number shortcode if($.fn.avia_sc_animated_number) { $('.avia-animated-number', container).avia_sc_animated_number(); } //animation for elements that are not connected like icon shortcode if($.fn.avia_sc_animation_delayed) { $('.av_font_icon', container).avia_sc_animation_delayed({delay:100}); $('.avia-image-container', container).avia_sc_animation_delayed({delay:100}); $('.av-hotspot-image-container', container).avia_sc_animation_delayed({delay:100}); $('.av-animated-generic', container).avia_sc_animation_delayed({delay:100}); } //activates animation for iconlist if($.fn.avia_sc_iconlist) { $('.avia-icon-list.av-iconlist-big', container).avia_sc_iconlist(); } //activates animation for progress bar if($.fn.avia_sc_progressbar) { $('.avia-progress-bar-container', container).avia_sc_progressbar(); } //activates animation for testimonial if($.fn.avia_sc_testimonial) { $('.avia-testimonial-wrapper', container).avia_sc_testimonial(); } //activate the fullscreen slider $('.avia-slideshow.av_fullscreen', container).aviaFullscreenSlider(); //activate the aviaslider $('.avia-slideshow:not(.av_fullscreen)', container).aviaSlider(); //content slider $('.avia-content-slider-active', container).aviaSlider({wrapElement: '.avia-content-slider-inner', slideElement:'.slide-entry-wrap', fullfade:true}); //testimonial slider $('.avia-slider-testimonials', container).aviaSlider({wrapElement: '.avia-testimonial-row', slideElement:'.avia-testimonial', fullfade:true}); //load and activate maps if($.fn.aviaMaps) { $('.avia-google-map-container', container).aviaMaps(); } //load magazine sorting if($.fn.aviaMagazine) { $('.av-magazine-tabs-active', container).aviaMagazine(); } //load image hotspot if($.fn.aviaHotspots) { $('.av-hotspot-image-container', container).aviaHotspots(); } //load countdown if($.fn.aviaCountdown) { $('.av-countdown-timer', container).aviaCountdown(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AVIA Countdown // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { "use strict"; var _units = ['weeks','days','hours','minutes','seconds'], _second = 1000, _minute = _second * 60, _hour = _minute * 60, _day = _hour * 24, _week = _day * 7, ticker = function(_self) { var _time = {}, _now = new Date(), _timestamp = _self.end - _now; if(_timestamp <= 0) { clearInterval(_self.countdown); return; } _self.time.weeks = Math.floor( _timestamp / _week); _self.time.days = Math.floor((_timestamp % _week) / _day); _self.time.hours = Math.floor((_timestamp % _day) / _hour); _self.time.minutes = Math.floor((_timestamp % _hour) / _minute); _self.time.seconds = Math.floor((_timestamp % _minute) / _second); switch(_self.data.maximum) { case 1: _self.time.seconds = Math.floor(_timestamp / _second); break; case 2: _self.time.minutes = Math.floor(_timestamp / _minute); break; case 3: _self.time.hours = Math.floor(_timestamp / _hour); break; case 4: _self.time.days = Math.floor(_timestamp / _day); break; } for (var i in _self.time) { if(typeof _self.update[i] == "object") { if(_self.firstrun || _self.oldtime[i] != _self.time[i]) { var labelkey = ( _self.time[i] === 1 ) ? "single" : "multi"; _self.update[i].time_container.text(_self.time[i]); _self.update[i].label_container.text(_self.update[i][labelkey]); } } } //show ticker if(_self.firstrun) _self.container.addClass('av-countdown-active') _self.oldtime = $.extend( {}, _self.time ); _self.firstrun = false; }; $.fn.aviaCountdown = function( options ) { if(!this.length) return; return this.each(function() { var _self = {}; _self.update = {}; _self.time = {}; _self.oldtime = {}; _self.firstrun = true; _self.container = $(this); _self.data = _self.container.data(); _self.end = new Date(_self.data.year, _self.data.month, _self.data.day, _self.data.hour, _self.data.minute ); for (var i in _units) { _self.update[_units[i]] = { time_container: _self.container.find('.av-countdown-' + _units[i] + ' .av-countdown-time'), label_container: _self.container.find('.av-countdown-' + _units[i] + ' .av-countdown-time-label'), }; if(_self.update[_units[i]].label_container.length) { _self.update[_units[i]].single = _self.update[_units[i]].label_container.data('label'); _self.update[_units[i]].multi = _self.update[_units[i]].label_container.data('label-multi'); } } ticker(_self); _self.countdown = setInterval(function(){ ticker(_self); }, 1000); }); } }(jQuery)); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AVIA Image Hotspots // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { "use strict"; $.fn.aviaHotspots = function( options ) { if(!this.length) return; return this.each(function() { var _self = {}; _self.container = $(this); _self.hotspots = _self.container.find('.av-image-hotspot'); _self.container.on('avia_start_animation', function() { setTimeout(function() { _self.hotspots.each(function(i) { var current = $(this); setTimeout(function(){ current.addClass('av-display-hotspot'); },300 * i); }); },400); }); }); } }(jQuery)); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AVIA Magazine function for magazine sorting // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { "use strict"; var animating = false, methods = { switchMag: function(clicked, _self) { var current = $(clicked) if(current.is('.active_sort') || animating) return; var filter = current.data('filter'), oldContainer = _self.container.filter(':visible'), newContainer = _self.container.filter('.' + filter); //switch Class animating = true; _self.sort_buttons.removeClass('active_sort'); current.addClass('active_sort'); //apply fixed heiht for transition _self.magazine.height(_self.magazine.outerHeight()); //switch items oldContainer.avia_animate({opacity:0}, 200, function() { oldContainer.css({display:'none'}); newContainer.css({opacity:0, display:'block'}).avia_animate({opacity:1}, 150, function() { _self.magazine.avia_animate({height: (newContainer.outerHeight() + _self.sort_bar.outerHeight())}, 150, function() { _self.magazine.height('auto'); animating = false; }); }); }); } }; $.fn.aviaMagazine = function( options ) { if(!this.length) return; return this.each(function() { var _self = {}; _self.magazine = $(this), _self.sort_buttons = _self.magazine.find('.av-magazine-sort a'); _self.container = _self.magazine.find('.av-magazine-group'); _self.sort_bar = _self.magazine.find('.av-magazine-top-bar'); _self.sort_buttons.on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); methods.switchMag(this, _self); } ); }); } }(jQuery)); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AVIA MAPS API - loads the google maps api asynchronously // // afterwards applies the map to the container // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { "use strict"; $.AviaMapsAPI = function(options, container) { if(typeof window.av_google_map == 'undefined') { $.avia_utilities.log('Map creation stopped, var av_google_map not found'); return } // gatehr container and map data this.container = container; this.$container = $( container ); this.$body = $('body'); this.$mapid = this.$container.data('mapid') - 1; this.$data = window.av_google_map[this.$mapid]; this.retina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1; // set up the whole api object this._init( options ); } $.AviaMapsAPI.apiFiles = { loading: false, finished: false, src: 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.27&callback=aviaOnGoogleMapsLoaded' } $.AviaMapsAPI.prototype = { _init: function() { this._bind_execution(); this._getAPI(); }, _getAPI: function( ) { //make sure the api file is loaded only once if((typeof window.google == 'undefined' || typeof window.google.maps == 'undefined') && $.AviaMapsAPI.apiFiles.loading == false) { $.AviaMapsAPI.apiFiles.loading = true; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = $.AviaMapsAPI.apiFiles.src; if(avia_framework_globals.gmap_api != 'undefined' && avia_framework_globals.gmap_api != "") { script.src += "&key=" + avia_framework_globals.gmap_api; } document.body.appendChild(script); } else if((typeof window.google != 'undefined' && typeof window.google.maps != 'undefined') || $.AviaMapsAPI.apiFiles.loading == false) //else if($.AviaMapsAPI.apiFiles.finished === true) { this._applyMap(); } }, _bind_execution: function() { this.$body.on('av-google-maps-api-loaded', $.proxy( this._applyMap, this) ); }, _applyMap: function() { if(typeof this.map != 'undefined') return; if(!this.$data.marker || !this.$data.marker[0] || !this.$data.marker[0].long || !this.$data.marker[0].long) { $.avia_utilities.log('Latitude or Longitude missing', 'map-error'); return; } var _self = this, mobile_drag = $.avia_utilities.isMobile ? this.$data.mobile_drag_control : true, zoomValue = this.$data.zoom == "auto" ? 10 : this.$data.zoom; this.mapVars = { mapMaker: false, //mapmaker tiles are user generated content maps. might hold more info but also be inaccurate mapTypeControl: false, backgroundColor:'transparent', streetViewControl: false, panControl: this.$data.pan_control, zoomControl: this.$data.zoom_control, //draggable: mobile_drag, gestureHandling: 'cooperative', scrollwheel: false, zoom: zoomValue, mapTypeId:google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, center: new google.maps.LatLng(this.$data.marker[0].lat, this.$data.marker[0].long), styles:[{featureType: "poi", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" }] }] }; this.map = new google.maps.Map(this.container, this.mapVars); this._applyMapStyle(); if(this.$data.zoom == "auto") { this._setAutoZoom(); } google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(this.map, 'tilesloaded', function() { _self._addMarkers(); }); }, _setAutoZoom: function() { var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); for (var key in this.$data.marker) { bounds.extend( new google.maps.LatLng (this.$data.marker[key].lat , this.$data.marker[key].long) ); } this.map.fitBounds(bounds); }, _applyMapStyle: function() { var stylers = [], style = [], mapType, style_color = ""; if(this.$data.hue != "") stylers.push({hue: this.$data.hue}); if(this.$data.saturation != "") stylers.push({saturation: this.$data.saturation}); if(stylers.length) { style = [{ featureType: "all", elementType: "all", stylers: stylers }, { featureType: "poi", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ] }]; if(this.$data.saturation == "fill") { style_color = this.$data.hue || "#242424"; var c = style_color.substring(1); // strip # var rgb = parseInt(c, 16); // convert rrggbb to decimal var r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; // extract red var g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff; // extract green var b = (rgb >> 0) & 0xff; // extract blue var luma = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; // per ITU-R BT.709 var lightness = 1; var street_light = 2; if (luma > 60) { lightness = -1; street_light = 3; } if (luma > 220) { lightness = -2; street_light = -2; } style = [ {"featureType":"all","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":0}]}, {"featureType":"all","elementType":"labels.text.fill","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":(25 * street_light)}]}, {"featureType":"all","elementType":"labels.text.stroke","stylers":[{"visibility":"on"},{"color":style_color},{"lightness":3}]}, {"featureType":"all","elementType":"labels.icon","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"}]}, {"featureType":"administrative","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":30}]}, {"featureType":"administrative","elementType":"geometry.stroke","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":30},{"weight":1.2}]}, {"featureType":"landscape","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{visibility: 'simplified'},{"color":style_color},{"lightness":3}]}, {"featureType":"poi","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{ "visibility": "off" }]}, {"featureType":"road.highway","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":-3}]}, {"featureType":"road.highway","elementType":"geometry.stroke","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":2},{"weight":0.2}]}, {"featureType":"road.arterial","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":-3}]}, {"featureType":"road.local","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":-3}]}, {"featureType":"transit","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":-3}]}, {"featureType":"water","elementType":"geometry","stylers":[{"color":style_color},{"lightness":-20}]} ]; } mapType = new google.maps.StyledMapType(style, { name:"av_map_style" }); this.map.mapTypes.set('av_styled_map', mapType); this.map.setMapTypeId('av_styled_map'); } }, _addMarkers: function() { for (var key in this.$data.marker) { var _self = this; (function(key, _self) { setTimeout(function() { var marker = ""; if(!_self.$data.marker[key] || !_self.$data.marker[key].long || !_self.$data.marker[key].long) { $.avia_utilities.log('Latitude or Longitude for single marker missing', 'map-error'); return; } _self.$data.LatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(_self.$data.marker[key].lat, _self.$data.marker[key].long); var markerArgs = { flat: false, position: _self.$data.LatLng, animation: google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE, map: _self.map, title: _self.$data.marker[key].address, optimized: false }; //set a custom marker image if available. also set the size and reduce the marker on retina size so its sharp if(_self.$data.marker[key].icon && _self.$data.marker[key].imagesize) { var size = _self.$data.marker[key].imagesize, half = "", full = ""; if(_self.retina && size > 40) size = 40; //retina downsize to at least half the px size half = new google.maps.Point(size / 2, size ) ; //used to position the marker full = new google.maps.Size(size , size ) ; //marker size markerArgs.icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(_self.$data.marker[key].icon, null, null, half, full); } marker = new google.maps.Marker(markerArgs); setTimeout(function(){ marker.setAnimation(null); _self._infoWindow(_self.map, marker, _self.$data.marker[key]); },500); },200 * (parseInt(key,10) + 1)); }(key, _self)); } }, _infoWindow: function(map, marker, data) { var info = $.trim(data.content); if(info != "") { var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content: info }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infowindow.open(map,marker); }); if(data.tooltip_display) infowindow.open(map,marker); } } } //simple wrapper to call the api. makes sure that the api data is not applied twice $.fn.aviaMaps = function( options ) { return this.each(function() { var self = $.data( this, 'aviaMapsApi' ); if(!self) { self = $.data( this, 'aviaMapsApi', new $.AviaMapsAPI( options, this ) ); } }); } })( jQuery ); //this function is executed once the api file is loaded window.aviaOnGoogleMapsLoaded = function(){ $('body').trigger('av-google-maps-api-loaded'); $.AviaMapsAPI.apiFiles.finished = true; }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AVIA VIDEO API - make sure that youtube, vimeo and html 5 use the same interface // // requires froogaloop vimeo library and youtube iframe api (yt can be loaded async) // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { "use strict"; $.AviaVideoAPI = function(options, video, option_container) { // actual video element. either iframe or video this.$video = $( video ); // container where the AviaVideoAPI object will be stored as data, and that can receive events like play, pause etc // also the container that allows to overwrite javacript options by adding html data- attributes this.$option_container = option_container ? $( option_container ) : this.$video; //mobile device? this.isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile; //iamge fallback use this.fallback = this.isMobile ? this.$option_container.is('.av-mobile-fallback-image') : false; if(this.fallback) return; // set up the whole api object this._init( options ); } $.AviaVideoAPI.defaults = { loop: false, mute: false, controls: false, events: 'play pause mute unmute loop toggle reset unload' }; $.AviaVideoAPI.apiFiles = { youtube : {loaded: false, src: 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api' } } $.AviaVideoAPI.prototype = { _init: function( options ) { // set slider options this.options = this._setOptions(options); // info which video service we are using: html5, vimeo or youtube this.type = this._getPlayerType(); // store the player object to the this.player variable created by one of the APIs (mediaelement, youtube, vimeo) this._setPlayer(); // set to true once the events are bound so it doesnt happen a second time by accident or racing condition this.eventsBound = false; // info if the video is playing this.playing = false; //set css class that video is currently not playing this.$option_container.addClass('av-video-paused'); //play pause indicator this.pp = $.avia_utilities.playpause(this.$option_container); }, //set the video options by first merging the default options and the passed options, then checking the video element if any data attributes overwrite the option set _setOptions: function(options) { var newOptions = $.extend( true, {}, $.AviaVideoAPI.defaults, options ), htmlData = this.$option_container.data(), i = ""; //overwritte passed option set with any data properties on the html element for (i in htmlData) { if (htmlData.hasOwnProperty(i) && (typeof htmlData[i] === "string" || typeof htmlData[i] === "number" || typeof htmlData[i] === "boolean")) { newOptions[i] = htmlData[i]; } } return newOptions; }, //get the player type _getPlayerType: function() { var vid_src = this.$video.get(0).src || this.$video.data('src'); if(this.$video.is('video')) return 'html5'; if(this.$video.is('.av_youtube_frame')) return 'youtube'; if(vid_src.indexOf('vimeo.com') != -1 ) return 'vimeo'; if(vid_src.indexOf('youtube.com') != -1) return 'youtube'; }, //get the player object _setPlayer: function() { var _self = this; switch(this.type) { case "html5": this.player = this.$video.data('mediaelementplayer'); this._playerReady(); break; case "vimeo": this.player = Froogaloop(this.$video.get(0)); this._playerReady(); break; case "youtube": this._getAPI(this.type); $('body').on('av-youtube-iframe-api-loaded', function(){ _self._playerReady(); }); break; } }, _getAPI: function( api ) { //make sure the api file is loaded only once if($.AviaVideoAPI.apiFiles[api].loaded === false) { $.AviaVideoAPI.apiFiles[api].loaded = true; //load the file async var tag = document.createElement('script'), first = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; tag.src = $.AviaVideoAPI.apiFiles[api].src; first.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, first); } }, //wait for player to be ready, then bind events _playerReady: function() { var _self = this; this.$option_container.on('av-video-loaded', function(){ _self._bindEvents(); }); switch(this.type) { case "html5": this.$video.on('av-mediajs-loaded', function(){ _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-loaded'); }); this.$video.on('av-mediajs-ended' , function(){ _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-ended'); }); break; case "vimeo": //finish event must be applied after ready event for firefox _self.player.addEvent('ready', function(){ _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-loaded'); _self.player.addEvent('finish', function(){ _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-ended'); }); }); // vimeo sometimes does not fire. fallback jquery load event should fix this // currently not used because it causes firefox problems /* this.$video.load(function() { if(_self.eventsBound == true || typeof _self.eventsBound == 'undefined') return; _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-loaded'); $.avia_utilities.log('VIMEO Fallback Trigger'); }); */ break; case "youtube": var params = _self.$video.data(); if(_self._supports_video()) params.html5 = 1; _self.player = new YT.Player(_self.$video.attr('id'), { videoId: params.videoid, height: _self.$video.attr('height'), width: _self.$video.attr('width'), playerVars: params, events: { 'onReady': function(){ _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-loaded'); }, 'onError': function(player){ $.avia_utilities.log('YOUTUBE ERROR:', 'error', player); }, 'onStateChange': function(event){ if (event.data === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) { var command = _self.options.loop != false ? 'loop' : 'av-video-ended'; _self.$option_container.trigger(command); } } } }); break; } //fallback always trigger after 2 seconds setTimeout(function() { if(_self.eventsBound == true || typeof _self.eventsBound == 'undefined' || _self.type == 'youtube' ) { return; } $.avia_utilities.log('Fallback Video Trigger "'+_self.type+'":', 'log', _self); _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-loaded'); },2000); }, //bind events we should listen to, to the player _bindEvents: function() { if(this.eventsBound == true || typeof this.eventsBound == 'undefined') { return; } var _self = this, volume = 'unmute'; this.eventsBound = true; this.$option_container.on(this.options.events, function(e) { _self.api(e.type); }); if(!_self.isMobile) { //set up initial options if(this.options.mute != false) { volume = "mute"; } if(this.options.loop != false) { _self.api('loop'); } _self.api(volume); } //set timeout to prevent racing conditions with other scripts setTimeout(function() { _self.$option_container.trigger('av-video-events-bound').addClass('av-video-events-bound'); },50); }, _supports_video: function() { return !!document.createElement('video').canPlayType; }, /************************************************************************ PUBLIC Methods *************************************************************************/ api: function( action ) { //commands on mobile can not be executed if the player was not started manually if(this.isMobile && !this.was_started()) return; // prevent calling of unbound function if(this.options.events.indexOf(action) === -1) return; // broadcast that the command was executed this.$option_container.trigger('av-video-'+action+'-executed'); // calls the function based on action. eg: _html5_play() if(typeof this[ '_' + this.type + '_' + action] == 'function') { this[ '_' + this.type + '_' + action].call(this); } //call generic function eg: _toggle() or _play() if(typeof this[ '_' + action] == 'function') { this[ '_' + action].call(this); } }, was_started: function() { if(!this.player) return false; switch(this.type) { case "html5": if(this.player.getCurrentTime() > 0) return true; break; case "vimeo": if(this.player.api('getCurrentTime') > 0) return true; break; case "youtube": if(this.player.getPlayerState() !== -1) return true; break; } return false; }, /************************************************************************ Generic Methods, are always executed and usually set variables *************************************************************************/ _play: function() { this.playing = true; this.$option_container.addClass('av-video-playing').removeClass('av-video-paused'); }, _pause: function() { this.playing = false; this.$option_container.removeClass('av-video-playing').addClass('av-video-paused'); }, _loop: function() { this.options.loop = true; }, _toggle: function( ) { var command = this.playing == true ? 'pause' : 'play'; this.api(command); this.pp.set(command); }, /************************************************************************ VIMEO Methods *************************************************************************/ _vimeo_play: function( ) { this.player.api('play'); }, _vimeo_pause: function( ) { this.player.api('pause'); }, _vimeo_mute: function( ) { this.player.api('setVolume', 0); }, _vimeo_unmute: function( ) { this.player.api('setVolume', 0.7); }, _vimeo_loop: function( ) { // currently throws error, must be set in iframe // this.player.api('setLoop', true); }, _vimeo_reset: function( ) { this.player.api('seekTo',0); }, _vimeo_unload: function() { this.player.api('unload'); }, /************************************************************************ YOUTUBE Methods *************************************************************************/ _youtube_play: function( ) { this.player.playVideo(); }, _youtube_pause: function( ) { this.player.pauseVideo() }, _youtube_mute: function( ) { this.player.mute(); }, _youtube_unmute: function( ) { this.player.unMute(); }, _youtube_loop: function( ) { // does not work properly with iframe api. needs to manual loop on "end" event // this.player.setLoop(true); if(this.playing == true) this.player.seekTo(0); }, _youtube_reset: function( ) { this.player.stopVideo(); }, _youtube_unload: function() { this.player.clearVideo(); }, /************************************************************************ HTML5 Methods *************************************************************************/ _html5_play: function( ) { //disable stoping of other videos in case the user wants to run section bgs this.player.options.pauseOtherPlayers = false; this.player.play(); }, _html5_pause: function( ) { this.player.pause(); }, _html5_mute: function( ) { this.player.setMuted(true); }, _html5_unmute: function( ) { this.player.setVolume(0.7); }, _html5_loop: function( ) { this.player.options.loop = true; }, _html5_reset: function( ) { this.player.setCurrentTime(0); }, _html5_unload: function() { this._html5_pause(); this._html5_reset(); } } //simple wrapper to call the api. makes sure that the api data is not applied twice $.fn.aviaVideoApi = function( options , apply_to_parent) { return this.each(function() { // by default save the object as data to the initial video. // in the case of slideshows its more benefitial to save it to a parent element (eg: the slide) var applyTo = this; if(apply_to_parent) { applyTo = $(this).parents(apply_to_parent).get(0); } var self = $.data( applyTo, 'aviaVideoApi' ); if(!self) { self = $.data( applyTo, 'aviaVideoApi', new $.AviaVideoAPI( options, this, applyTo ) ); } }); } })( jQuery ); window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function(){ $('body').trigger('av-youtube-iframe-api-loaded'); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Masonry // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_masonry = function(options) { //return if we didnt find anything if(!this.length) return this; var the_body = $('body'), the_win = $(window), isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile, loading = false, methods = { masonry_filter: function() { var current = $(this), linktext = current.html(), selector = current.data('filter'), masonry = current.parents('.av-masonry:eq(0)'), container = masonry.find('.av-masonry-container:eq(0)'), links = masonry.find('.av-masonry-sort a'), activeCat = masonry.find('.av-current-sort-title'); links.removeClass('active_sort'); current.addClass('active_sort'); container.attr('id', 'masonry_id_'+selector); if(activeCat.length) activeCat.html(linktext); methods.applyMasonry(container, selector, function() { container.css({overflow:'visible'}); }); return false; }, applyMasonry: function(container, selector, callback) { var filters = selector ? {filter: '.'+selector} : {}; container.isotope(filters, function() { the_win.trigger('av-height-change'); }); if(typeof callback == 'function') { setTimeout(callback, 0); } }, show_bricks: function(bricks, callback) { bricks.each(function(i) { var currentLink = $(this), browserPrefix = $.avia_utilities.supports('transition'), multiplier = isMobile ? 0 : 100; setTimeout(function() { if(browserPrefix === false) { currentLink.css({visibility:"visible", opacity:0}).animate({opacity:1},1500); } else { currentLink.addClass('av-masonry-item-loaded'); } if(i == bricks.length - 1 && typeof callback == 'function') { callback.call(); the_win.trigger('av-height-change'); } }, (multiplier * i)); }); }, loadMore: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(loading) return false; loading = true; var current = $(this), data = current.data(), masonry = current.parents('.av-masonry:eq(0)'), container = masonry.find('.av-masonry-container'), items = masonry.find('.av-masonry-entry'), loader = $.avia_utilities.loading(), finished = function(){ loading = false; loader.hide(); the_body.trigger('av_resize_finished'); }; //calculate a new offset if(!data.offset){ data.offset = 0; } data.offset += data.items; data.action = 'avia_ajax_masonry_more'; data.loaded = []; //prevents duplicate entries from beeing loaded when randomized is active items.each(function(){ var item_id = $(this).data('av-masonry-item'); if(item_id) data.loaded.push( item_id ); }); $.ajax({ url: avia_framework_globals.ajaxurl, type: "POST", data:data, beforeSend: function() { loader.show(); }, success: function(response) { if(response.indexOf("{av-masonry-loaded}") !== -1) { //fetch the response. if any php warnings were displayed before rendering of the items the are removed by the string split var response = response.split('{av-masonry-loaded}'), new_items = $(response.pop()).filter('.isotope-item'); //check if we got more items than we need. if not we have reached the end of items if(new_items.length > data.items) { new_items = new_items.not(':last'); } else { current.addClass('av-masonry-no-more-items'); } var load_container = $('
').append(new_items); $.avia_utilities.preload({container: load_container, single_callback: function() { var links = masonry.find('.av-masonry-sort a'), filter_container = masonry.find('.av-sort-by-term'), allowed_filters = filter_container.data("av-allowed-sort"); filter_container.hide(); loader.hide(); container.isotope( 'insert', new_items); $.avia_utilities.avia_ajax_call(masonry); setTimeout( function(){ methods.show_bricks( new_items , finished); },150); setTimeout(function(){ the_win.trigger('av-height-change'); }, 550); if(links) { $(links).each(function(filterlinkindex) { var filterlink = $(this), sort = filterlink.data('filter'); if(new_items) { $(new_items).each(function(itemindex){ var item = $(this); if(item.hasClass(sort) && allowed_filters.indexOf(sort) !== -1) { var term_count = filterlink.find('.avia-term-count').text(); filterlink.find('.avia-term-count').text(' ' + (parseInt(term_count) + 1) + ' '); if(filterlink.hasClass('avia_hide_sort')) { filterlink.removeClass('avia_hide_sort').addClass('avia_show_sort'); masonry.find('.av-masonry-sort .'+sort+'_sep').removeClass('avia_hide_sort').addClass('avia_show_sort'); masonry.find('.av-masonry-sort .av-sort-by-term').removeClass('hidden'); } } }); } }); } filter_container.fadeIn(); } }); } else { finished(); } }, error: finished, complete: function() { } }); } }; return this.each(function() { var masonry = $(this), container = masonry.find('.av-masonry-container'), bricks = masonry.find('.isotope-item'), filter = masonry.find('.av-masonry-sort').css({visibility:"visible", opacity:0}).on('click', 'a', methods.masonry_filter), load_more = masonry.find('.av-masonry-load-more').css({visibility:"visible", opacity:0}); $.avia_utilities.preload({container: container, single_callback: function() { var start_animation = function() { filter.animate({opacity:1}, 400); //fix for non aligned elements because of scrollbar if(container.outerHeight() + container.offset().top + $('#footer').outerHeight() > $(window).height()) { $('html').css({'overflow-y':'scroll'}); } methods.applyMasonry(container, false, function() { masonry.addClass('avia_sortable_active'); container.removeClass('av-js-disabled '); }); methods.show_bricks(bricks, function() { load_more.css({opacity:1}).on('click', methods.loadMore); }); //container.isotope( 'reLayout' ); }; if(isMobile) { start_animation(); } else { masonry.waypoint(start_animation , { offset: '80%'} ); } // update columnWidth on window resize $(window).on( 'debouncedresize', function() { methods.applyMasonry(container, false, function() { masonry.addClass('avia_sortable_active'); }); }); } }); }); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Avia AJAX Portfolio // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { "use strict"; $.avia_utilities = $.avia_utilities || {}; $.fn.avia_portfolio_preview = function(passed_options) { var win = $(window), the_body = $('body'), isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile, defaults = { open_in: '.portfolio-details-inner', easing: 'easeOutQuint', timing: 800, transition: 'slide' // 'fade' or 'slide' }, options = $.extend({}, defaults, passed_options); return this.each(function() { var container = $(this), portfolio_id = container.data('portfolio-id'), target_wrap = $('.portfolio_preview_container[data-portfolio-id="' + portfolio_id + '"]'), target_container = target_wrap.find(options.open_in), items = container.find('.grid-entry'), content_retrieved = {}, is_open = false, animating = false, index_open = false, ajax_call = false, methods, controls, loader = $.avia_utilities.loading(); methods = { load_item: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var link = $(this), post_container = link.parents('.post-entry:eq(0)'), post_id = "ID_" + post_container.data('ajax-id'), clickedIndex = items.index(post_container); //check if current item is the clicked item or if we are currently animating if(post_id === is_open || animating == true) { return false; } animating = true; container.find('.active_portfolio_item').removeClass('active_portfolio_item'); post_container.addClass('active_portfolio_item'); loader.show(); methods.ajax_get_contents(post_id, clickedIndex); }, scroll_top: function() { setTimeout(function() { var target_offset = target_wrap.offset().top - 175, window_offset = win.scrollTop(); if(window_offset > target_offset || target_offset - window_offset > 100 ) { $('html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)').animate({ scrollTop: target_offset }, options.timing, options.easing); } },10); }, attach_item: function(post_id) { content_retrieved[post_id] = $(content_retrieved[post_id]).appendTo(target_container); ajax_call = true; }, remove_video: function() { var del = target_wrap.find('iframe, .avia-video').parents('.ajax_slide:not(.open_slide)'); if(del.length > 0) { del.remove(); content_retrieved["ID_" + del.data('slideId')] = undefined; } }, show_item: function(post_id, clickedIndex) { //check if current item is the clicked item or if we are currently animating if(post_id === is_open) { return false; } animating = true; loader.hide(); if(false === is_open) { target_wrap.addClass('open_container'); content_retrieved[post_id].addClass('open_slide'); methods.scroll_top(); target_wrap.css({display:'none'}).slideDown(options.timing, options.easing, function() { if(ajax_call) { activate_shortcode_scripts(content_retrieved[post_id]); $.avia_utilities.avia_ajax_call(content_retrieved[post_id]); the_body.trigger('av_resize_finished'); ajax_call = false; } methods.remove_video(); the_body.trigger('av_resize_finished'); }); index_open = clickedIndex; is_open = post_id; animating = false; } else { methods.scroll_top(); var initCSS = { zIndex:3 }, easing = options.easing; if(index_open > clickedIndex) { initCSS.left = '-110%'; } if(options.transition === 'fade'){ initCSS.left = '0%'; initCSS.opacity = 0; easing = 'easeOutQuad'; } //fixate height for container during animation target_container.height(target_container.height()); //outerHeight = border problems? content_retrieved[post_id].css(initCSS).avia_animate({'left':"0%", opacity:1}, options.timing, easing); content_retrieved[is_open].avia_animate({opacity:0}, options.timing, easing, function() { content_retrieved[is_open].attr({'style':""}).removeClass('open_slide'); content_retrieved[post_id].addClass('open_slide'); //+ 2 fixes border problem (slides move up and down 2 px on transition) target_container.avia_animate({height: content_retrieved[post_id].outerHeight() + 2}, options.timing/2, options.easing, function() { target_container.attr({'style':""}); is_open = post_id; index_open = clickedIndex; animating = false; methods.remove_video(); if(ajax_call) { the_body.trigger('av_resize_finished'); activate_shortcode_scripts(content_retrieved[post_id]); $.avia_utilities.avia_ajax_call(content_retrieved[post_id]); ajax_call = false; } }); }); } }, ajax_get_contents: function(post_id, clickedIndex) { if(content_retrieved[post_id] !== undefined) { methods.show_item(post_id, clickedIndex); return; } content_retrieved[post_id] = $('#avia-tmpl-portfolio-preview-' + post_id.replace(/ID_/,"")).html(); //this line is necessary to prevent w3 total cache from messing up the portfolio if inline js is compressed content_retrieved[post_id] = content_retrieved[post_id].replace('/*',''); methods.attach_item(post_id); $.avia_utilities.preload({container: content_retrieved[post_id] , single_callback: function(){ methods.show_item(post_id, clickedIndex); }}); }, add_controls: function() { controls = target_wrap.find('.ajax_controlls'); target_wrap.avia_keyboard_controls({27:'.avia_close', 37:'.ajax_previous', 39:'.ajax_next'}); //target_wrap.avia_swipe_trigger({prev:'.ajax_previous', next:'.ajax_next'}); items.each(function(){ var current = $(this), overlay; current.addClass('no_combo').bind('click', function(event) { overlay = current.find('.slideshow_overlay'); if(overlay.length) { event.stopPropagation(); methods.load_item.apply(current.find('a:eq(0)')); return false; } }); }); }, control_click: function() { var showItem, activeID = container.find('.active_portfolio_item').data('ajax-id'), active = container.find('.post-entry-'+activeID); switch(this.hash) { case '#next': showItem = active.nextAll('.post-entry:visible:eq(0)').find('a:eq(0)'); if(!showItem.length) { showItem = $('.post-entry:visible:eq(0)', container).find('a:eq(0)'); } showItem.trigger('click'); break; case '#prev': showItem = active.prevAll('.post-entry:visible:eq(0)').find('a:eq(0)'); if(!showItem.length) { showItem = $('.post-entry:visible:last', container).find('a:eq(0)'); } showItem.trigger('click'); break; case '#close': animating = true; target_wrap.slideUp( options.timing, options.easing, function() { container.find('.active_portfolio_item').removeClass('active_portfolio_item'); content_retrieved[is_open].attr({'style':""}).removeClass('open_slide'); target_wrap.removeClass('open_container'); animating = is_open = index_open = false; methods.remove_video(); the_body.trigger('av_resize_finished'); }); break; } return false; }, resize_reset: function() { if(is_open === false) { target_container.html(''); content_retrieved = []; } } }; methods.add_controls(); container.on("click", "a", methods.load_item); controls.on("click", "a", methods.control_click); if(jQuery.support.leadingWhitespace) { win.bind('debouncedresize', methods.resize_reset); } }); }; }(jQuery)); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fullscreen Slideshow // // extends avia slideshow script with a more sophisticated preloader and fixed size for slider // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.AviaFullscreenSlider = function(options, slider) { this.$slider = $( slider ); this.$inner = this.$slider.find('.avia-slideshow-inner'); this.$innerLi = this.$inner.find('>li'); this.$caption = this.$inner.find('.avia-slide-wrap .caption_container'); this.$win = $( window ); this.isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile; this.property = {}; this.scrollPos = "0"; this.transform3d= document.documentElement.className.indexOf('avia_transform3d') !== -1 ? true : false; this.ticking = false; if($.avia_utilities.supported.transition === undefined) { $.avia_utilities.supported.transition = $.avia_utilities.supports('transition'); } this._init( options ); } $.AviaFullscreenSlider.defaults = { //height of the slider in percent height: 100, //subtract elements from the height subtract: '#wpadminbar, #header, #main>.title_container' }; $.AviaFullscreenSlider.prototype = { _init: function( options ) { var _self = this; //set the default options this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.AviaFullscreenSlider.defaults, options ); if(this.$slider.data('slide_height')) this.options.height = this.$slider.data('slide_height'); //if background attachment is set to fixed or scroll disable the parallax effect this.options.parallax_enabled = this.$slider.data('image_attachment') == "" ? true : false; //elements that get subtracted from the image height this.$subtract = $(this.options.subtract); // set the slideshow size this._setSize(); // set resizing script on window resize this.$win.on( 'debouncedresize', $.proxy( this._setSize, this) ); //parallax scroll if element if leaving viewport setTimeout(function() { if(!_self.isMobile && _self.options.parallax_enabled) //disable parallax scrolling on mobile { _self.$win.on( 'scroll', $.proxy( _self._on_scroll, _self) ); } },100); /**/ //activate the defaule slider this.$slider.aviaSlider({bg_slider:true}); }, _on_scroll: function(e) { var _self = this; if(!_self.ticking) { _self.ticking = true; window.requestAnimationFrame( $.proxy( _self._parallax_scroll, _self) ); } }, _fetch_properties: function(slide_height) { this.property.offset = this.$slider.offset().top; this.property.wh = this.$win.height(); this.property.height = slide_height || this.$slider.outerHeight(); //re-position the slider this._parallax_scroll(); }, _setSize: function( ) { if(!$.fn.avia_browser_height) { var viewport = this.$win.height(), slide_height = Math.ceil( (viewport / 100) * this.options.height ); if(this.$subtract.length && this.options.height == 100) { this.$subtract.each(function() { slide_height -= this.offsetHeight - 0.5; }); } else { slide_height -= 1; } this.$slider.height(slide_height).removeClass('av-default-height-applied'); this.$inner.css('padding',0); } this._fetch_properties(slide_height); }, _parallax_scroll: function(e) { if(this.isMobile) return; //disable parallax scrolling on mobile var winTop = this.$win.scrollTop(), winBottom = winTop + this.property.wh, scrollPos = "0", prop = {}, prop2 = {}; if(this.property.offset < winTop && winTop <= this.property.offset + this.property.height) { scrollPos = Math.round( (winTop - this.property.offset) * 0.3 ); } if(this.scrollPos != scrollPos) { //slide background parallax this.scrollPos = scrollPos; //currently no 3d transform, because of browser quirks //this.transform3d = false; if(this.transform3d) { prop[$.avia_utilities.supported.transition+"transform"] = "translate3d(0px,"+ scrollPos +"px,0px)"; } else { prop[$.avia_utilities.supported.transition+"transform"] = "translate(0px,"+ scrollPos +"px)"; } this.$inner.css(prop); //slider caption parallax // prop2[$.avia_utilities.supported.transition+"transform"] = "translate(0px,-"+ ( scrollPos * 1) +"px)"; /* prop2['opacity'] = Math.ceil((this.$slider.height() - (scrollPos * 2)) / 100)/ 10; prop2['opacity'] = prop2['opacity'] < 0 ? 0 : prop2['opacity']; this.$caption.css(prop2); */ } this.ticking = false; } }; $.fn.aviaFullscreenSlider = function( options ) { return this.each(function() { var active = $.data( this, 'aviaFullscreenSlider' ); if(!active) { //make sure that the function doesnt get aplied a second time $.data( this, 'aviaFullscreenSlider', 1 ); //create the preparations for fullscreen slider new $.AviaFullscreenSlider( options, this ); } }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // makes sure that the fixed container height is removed once the layerslider is loaded, so it adapts to the screen resolution // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.AviaParallaxElement = function(options, element) { this.$el = $( element ).addClass('active-parallax'); this.$win = $( window ); this.$body = $( 'body' ); this.$parent = this.$el.parent(); this.property = {}; this.isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile; this.ratio = this.$el.data('avia-parallax-ratio') || 0.5; this.transform = document.documentElement.className.indexOf('avia_transform') !== -1 ? true : false; this.transform3d= document.documentElement.className.indexOf('avia_transform3d') !== -1 ? true : false; this.ticking = false; if($.avia_utilities.supported.transition === undefined) { $.avia_utilities.supported.transition = $.avia_utilities.supports('transition'); } this._init( options ); } $.AviaParallaxElement.prototype = { _init: function( options ) { var _self = this; if(_self.isMobile) { return; //disable parallax scrolling on mobile } //fetch window constants setTimeout(function() { _self._fetch_properties(); },30); this.$win.on("debouncedresize av-height-change", $.proxy( _self._fetch_properties, _self)); this.$body.on("av_resize_finished", $.proxy( _self._fetch_properties, _self)); //activate the scrolling setTimeout(function() { _self.$win.on( 'scroll', $.proxy( _self._on_scroll, _self) ); },100); }, _fetch_properties: function() { this.property.offset = this.$parent.offset().top; this.property.wh = this.$win.height(); this.property.height = this.$parent.outerHeight(); //set the height of the element based on the windows height, offset ratio and parent height this.$el.height(Math.ceil((this.property.wh * this.ratio) + this.property.height)); //re-position the element this._parallax_scroll(); }, _on_scroll: function(e) { var _self = this; if(!_self.ticking) { _self.ticking = true; window.requestAnimationFrame( $.proxy( _self._parallax_scroll, _self) ); } }, _parallax_scroll: function(e) { var winTop = this.$win.scrollTop(), winBottom = winTop + this.property.wh, scrollPos = "0", prop = {}; //shift element when it moves into viewport if(this.property.offset < winBottom && winTop <= this.property.offset + this.property.height) { scrollPos = Math.ceil( (winBottom - this.property.offset) * this.ratio ); //parallax movement via backround position change, although if(this.transform3d) { prop[$.avia_utilities.supported.transition+"transform"] = "translate3d(0px,"+ scrollPos +"px, 0px)"; } else if(this.transform) { prop[$.avia_utilities.supported.transition+"transform"] = "translate(0px,"+ scrollPos +"px)"; } else { prop["background-position"] = "0px "+ scrollPos +"px"; } this.$el.css(prop); } this.ticking = false; } }; $.fn.avia_parallax = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var self = $.data( this, 'aviaParallax' ); if(!self) { self = $.data( this, 'aviaParallax', new $.AviaParallaxElement( options, this ) ); } }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper to allow fixed bgs on mobile // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_mobile_fixed = function(options) { var isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile; if(!isMobile) return; return this.each(function() { var current = $(this).addClass('av-parallax-section'), $background = current.attr('style'), $attachment_class = current.data('section-bg-repeat'), template = ""; if($attachment_class == 'stretch' || $attachment_class == 'no-repeat' ) { $attachment_class = " avia-full-stretch"; } else { $attachment_class = ""; } template = ""; current.prepend(template); current.attr('style',''); }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // makes sure that the fixed container height is removed once the layerslider is loaded, so it adapts to the screen resolution // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.layer_slider_height_helper = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var container = $(this), first_div = container.find('>div:first'), timeout = false, counter = 0, reset_size = function() { if(first_div.height() > 0 || counter > 5) { container.height('auto'); } else { timeout = setTimeout(reset_size, 500); counter++; } }; if(!first_div.length) return; timeout = setTimeout(reset_size, 0); }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // testimonial shortcode javascript // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_testimonial = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var container = $(this), elements = container.find('.avia-testimonial'); //trigger displaying of thumbnails container.on('avia_start_animation', function() { elements.each(function(i) { var element = $(this); setTimeout(function(){ element.addClass('avia_start_animation') }, (i * 150)); }); }); }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Progress bar shortcode javascript // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_progressbar = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var container = $(this), elements = container.find('.avia-progress-bar'); //trigger displaying of progress bar container.on('avia_start_animation', function() { elements.each(function(i) { var element = $(this) setTimeout(function() { element.find('.progress').addClass('avia_start_animation') element.find('.progressbar-percent').avia_sc_animated_number( { instant_start:true, simple_up:true, start_timer: 10 }); }, (i * 250)); }); }); }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Iconlist shortcode javascript // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_iconlist = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var iconlist = $(this), elements = iconlist.find('>li'); //trigger displaying of thumbnails iconlist.on('avia_start_animation', function() { elements.each(function(i) { var element = $(this); setTimeout(function(){ element.addClass('avia_start_animation') }, (i * 350)); }); }); }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // shortcode javascript for delayed animation even when non connected elements are used // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_animation_delayed = function(options) { var global_timer = 0, delay = options.delay || 50, max_timer = 10, new_max = setTimeout(function(){ max_timer = 20; }, 500); return this.each(function() { var elements = $(this); //trigger displaying of thumbnails elements.on('avia_start_animation', function() { var element = $(this); if(global_timer < max_timer) global_timer ++; setTimeout(function() { element.addClass('avia_start_delayed_animation'); if(global_timer > 0) global_timer --; }, (global_timer * delay)); }); }); } /*delayd animations when used within tab sections or similar elements. this way they get animated each new time a tab is shown*/ $.fn.avia_delayed_animation_in_container = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var elements = $(this); elements.on('avia_start_animation_if_current_slide_is_active', function() { var current = $(this), animate = current.find('.avia_start_animation_when_active'); animate.addClass('avia_start_animation').trigger('avia_start_animation'); }); elements.on('avia_remove_animation', function() { var current = $(this), animate = current.find('.avia_start_animation_when_active, .avia_start_animation'); animate.removeClass('avia_start_animation avia_start_delayed_animation'); }); }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Section Height Helper // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_browser_height = function() { if(!this.length) return; var win = $(window), html_el = $('html'), subtract = $('#wpadminbar, #header.av_header_top:not(.html_header_transparency #header), #main>.title_container'), css_block = $("").appendTo('head:first'), sidebar_menu= $('.html_header_sidebar #top #header_main'), full_slider = $('.html_header_sidebar .avia-fullscreen-slider.avia-builder-el-0.avia-builder-el-no-sibling').addClass('av-solo-full'), calc_height = function() { var css = "", wh100 = win.height(), ww100 = win.width(), wh100_mod = wh100, whCover = (wh100 / 9) * 16, wwCover = (ww100 / 16) * 9, wh75 = Math.round( wh100 * 0.75 ), wh50 = Math.round( wh100 * 0.5 ), wh25 = Math.round( wh100 * 0.25 ), solo = 0; if(sidebar_menu.length) solo = sidebar_menu.height(); subtract.each(function(){ wh100_mod -= this.offsetHeight - 1; }); var whCoverMod = (wh100_mod / 9) * 16; //fade in of section content with minimum height once the height has been calculated css += ".avia-section.av-minimum-height .container{opacity: 1; }\n"; //various section heights (100-25% as well as 100% - header/adminbar in case its the first builder element) css += ".av-minimum-height-100 .container, .avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow, #top.avia-blank .av-minimum-height-100 .container, .av-cell-min-height-100 > .flex_cell{height:"+wh100+"px;}\n"; css += ".av-minimum-height-75 .container, .av-cell-min-height-75 > .flex_cell {height:"+wh75+"px;}\n"; css += ".av-minimum-height-50 .container, .av-cell-min-height-50 > .flex_cell {height:"+wh50+"px;}\n"; css += ".av-minimum-height-25 .container, .av-cell-min-height-25 > .flex_cell {height:"+wh25+"px;}\n"; css += ".avia-builder-el-0.av-minimum-height-100 .container, .avia-builder-el-0.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow, .avia-builder-el-0.av-cell-min-height-100 > .flex_cell{height:"+wh100_mod+"px;}\n"; css += "#top .av-solo-full .avia-slideshow {min-height:"+solo+"px;}\n"; //fullscreen video calculations if(ww100/wh100 < 16/9) { css += "#top .av-element-cover iframe, #top .av-element-cover embed, #top .av-element-cover object, #top .av-element-cover video{width:"+whCover+"px; left: -"+(whCover - ww100)/2+"px;}\n"; } else { css += "#top .av-element-cover iframe, #top .av-element-cover embed, #top .av-element-cover object, #top .av-element-cover video{height:"+wwCover+"px; top: -"+(wwCover - wh100)/2+"px;}\n"; } if(ww100/wh100_mod < 16/9) { css += "#top .avia-builder-el-0 .av-element-cover iframe, #top .avia-builder-el-0 .av-element-cover embed, #top .avia-builder-el-0 .av-element-cover object, #top .avia-builder-el-0 .av-element-cover video{width:"+whCoverMod+"px; left: -"+(whCoverMod - ww100)/2+"px;}\n"; } else { css += "#top .avia-builder-el-0 .av-element-cover iframe, #top .avia-builder-el-0 .av-element-cover embed, #top .avia-builder-el-0 .av-element-cover object, #top .avia-builder-el-0 .av-element-cover video{height:"+wwCover+"px; top: -"+(wwCover - wh100_mod)/2+"px;}\n"; } //ie8 needs different insert method try{ css_block.text(css); } catch(err){ css_block.remove(); css_block = $("").appendTo('head:first'); } setTimeout(function(){ win.trigger('av-height-change'); /*broadcast the height change*/ },100); }; win.on( 'debouncedresize', calc_height); calc_height(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Video Section helper // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_video_section = function() { if(!this.length) return; var elements = this.length, content = "", win = $(window), css_block = $("").appendTo('head:first'), calc_height = function(section, counter) { if(counter === 0) { content = "";} var css = "", the_id = '#' +section.attr('id'), wh100 = section.height(), ww100 = section.width(), aspect = section.data('sectionVideoRatio').split(':'), video_w = aspect[0], video_h = aspect[1], whCover = (wh100 / video_h ) * video_w, wwCover = (ww100 / video_w ) * video_h; //fullscreen video calculations if(ww100/wh100 < video_w/video_h) { css += "#top "+the_id+" .av-section-video-bg iframe, #top "+the_id+" .av-section-video-bg embed, #top "+the_id+" .av-section-video-bg object, #top "+the_id+" .av-section-video-bg video{width:"+whCover+"px; left: -"+(whCover - ww100)/2+"px;}\n"; } else { css += "#top "+the_id+" .av-section-video-bg iframe, #top "+the_id+" .av-section-video-bg embed, #top "+the_id+" .av-section-video-bg object, #top "+the_id+" .av-section-video-bg video{height:"+wwCover+"px; top: -"+(wwCover - wh100)/2+"px;}\n"; } content = content + css; if(elements == counter + 1) { //ie8 needs different insert method try{ css_block.text(content); } catch(err){ css_block.remove(); css_block = $("").appendTo('head:first'); } } }; return this.each(function(i) { var self = $(this); win.on( 'debouncedresize', function(){ calc_height(self, i); }); calc_height(self, i); }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Gallery shortcode javascript // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_gallery = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var gallery = $(this), images = gallery.find('img'), big_prev = gallery.find('.avia-gallery-big'); //trigger displaying of thumbnails gallery.on('avia_start_animation', function() { images.each(function(i) { var image = $(this); setTimeout(function(){ image.addClass('avia_start_animation') }, (i * 110)); }); }); if(gallery.hasClass('deactivate_avia_lazyload')) gallery.trigger('avia_start_animation'); //trigger thumbnail hover and big prev image change if(big_prev.length) { gallery.on('mouseenter','.avia-gallery-thumb a', function() { var _self = this; big_prev.attr('data-onclick', _self.getAttribute("data-onclick")); big_prev.height(big_prev.height()); big_prev.attr('href', _self.href) var newImg = _self.getAttribute("data-prev-img"), oldImg = big_prev.find('img'), oldImgSrc = oldImg.attr('src'); if(newImg != oldImgSrc) { var next_img = new Image(); next_img.src = newImg; var $next = $(next_img); if(big_prev.hasClass('avia-gallery-big-no-crop-thumb')) { $next.css({'height':big_prev.height(),'width':'auto'}); } big_prev.stop().animate({opacity:0}, function() { $next.insertAfter(oldImg); oldImg.remove(); big_prev.animate({opacity:1}); big_prev.attr('title',$(_self).attr('title')); }); } }); big_prev.on('click', function() { var imagelink = gallery.find('.avia-gallery-thumb a').eq(this.getAttribute("data-onclick") - 1); if(imagelink && !imagelink.hasClass('aviaopeninbrowser')) { imagelink.trigger('click'); } else if(imagelink) { var imgurl = imagelink.attr("href"); if(imagelink.hasClass('aviablank') && imgurl != '' ) { window.open(imgurl, '_blank'); } else if( imgurl != '' ) { window.open(imgurl, '_self'); } } return false; }); $(window).on("debouncedresize", function() { big_prev.height('auto'); }); } }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Toggle shortcode javascript // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_toggle = function(options) { var defaults = { single: '.single_toggle', heading: '.toggler', content: '.toggle_wrap', sortContainer:'.taglist' }; var win = $(window), options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var container = $(this).addClass('enable_toggles'), toggles = $(options.single, container), heading = $(options.heading, container), allContent = $(options.content, container), sortLinks = $(options.sortContainer + " a", container); heading.each(function(i) { var thisheading = $(this), content = thisheading.next(options.content, container); function scroll_to_viewport() { //check if toggle title is in viewport. if not scroll up var el_offset = content.offset().top, scoll_target = el_offset - 50 - parseInt($('html').css('margin-top'),10); if(win.scrollTop() > el_offset) { $('html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)').animate({scrollTop: scoll_target},200); } } if(content.css('visibility') != "hidden") { thisheading.addClass('activeTitle'); } thisheading.on('click', function() { if(content.css('visibility') != "hidden") { content.slideUp(200, function() { content.removeClass('active_tc').attr({style:''}); win.trigger('av-height-change'); }); thisheading.removeClass('activeTitle'); } else { if(container.is('.toggle_close_all')) { allContent.not(content).slideUp(200, function() { $(this).removeClass('active_tc').attr({style:''}); scroll_to_viewport(); }); heading.removeClass('activeTitle'); } content.addClass('active_tc').slideDown(200, function() { if(!container.is('.toggle_close_all')) { scroll_to_viewport(); } win.trigger('av-height-change'); } ); thisheading.addClass('activeTitle'); location.replace(thisheading.data('fake-id')); } }); }); sortLinks.click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var show = toggles.filter('[data-tags~="'+$(this).data('tag')+'"]'), hide = toggles.not('[data-tags~="'+$(this).data('tag')+'"]'); sortLinks.removeClass('activeFilter'); $(this).addClass('activeFilter'); heading.filter('.activeTitle').trigger('click'); show.slideDown(); hide.slideUp(); }); function trigger_default_open(hash) { if(!hash && window.location.hash) hash = window.location.hash; if(!hash) return; var open = heading.filter('[data-fake-id="'+hash+'"]'); if(open.length) { if(!open.is('.activeTitle')) open.trigger('click'); window.scrollTo(0, container.offset().top - 70); } } trigger_default_open(false); $('a').on('click',function(){ var hash = $(this).attr('href'); if(typeof hash != "undefined" && hash) { hash = hash.replace(/^.*?#/,''); trigger_default_open('#'+hash); } }); }); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tab Shortcode // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_tabs= function(options) { var defaults = { heading: '.tab', content:'.tab_content', active:'active_tab', sidebar: false }; var win = $(window), options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var container = $(this), tab_titles = $('').prependTo(container), tabs = $(options.heading, container), content = $(options.content, container), newtabs = false, oldtabs = false; newtabs = tabs.clone(); oldtabs = tabs.addClass('fullsize-tab'); tabs = newtabs; tabs.prependTo(tab_titles).each(function(i) { var tab = $(this), the_oldtab = false; if(newtabs) the_oldtab = oldtabs.filter(':eq('+i+')'); tab.addClass('tab_counter_'+i).bind('click', function() { open_content(tab, i, the_oldtab); return false; }); if(newtabs) { the_oldtab.bind('click', function() { open_content(the_oldtab, i, tab); return false; }); } }); set_size(); trigger_default_open(false); win.on("debouncedresize", set_size); $('a').on('click',function(){ var hash = $(this).attr('href'); if(typeof hash != "undefined" && hash) { hash = hash.replace(/^.*?#/,''); trigger_default_open('#'+hash); } }); function set_size() { if(!options.sidebar) return; content.css({'min-height': tab_titles.outerHeight() + 1}); } function open_content(tab, i, alternate_tab) { if(!tab.is('.'+options.active)) { $('.'+options.active, container).removeClass(options.active); $('.'+options.active+'_content', container).removeClass(options.active+'_content'); tab.addClass(options.active); var new_loc = tab.data('fake-id'); if(typeof new_loc == 'string') location.replace(new_loc); if(alternate_tab) alternate_tab.addClass(options.active); var active_c = content.filter(':eq('+i+')').addClass(options.active+'_content'); if(typeof click_container != 'undefined' && click_container.length) { sidebar_shadow.height(active_c.outerHeight()); } //check if tab title is in viewport. if not scroll up var el_offset = active_c.offset().top, scoll_target = el_offset - 50 - parseInt($('html').css('margin-top'),10); if(win.scrollTop() > el_offset) { $('html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)').scrollTop(scoll_target); } } } function trigger_default_open(hash) { if(!hash && window.location.hash) hash = window.location.hash; if(!hash) return; var open = tabs.filter('[data-fake-id="'+hash+'"]'); if(open.length) { if(!open.is('.active_tab')) open.trigger('click'); window.scrollTo(0, container.offset().top - 70); } } }); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tab Shortcode // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_sc_tab_section= function() { var win = $(window), browserPrefix = $.avia_utilities.supports('transition'), cssActive = this.browserPrefix !== false ? true : false, isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile, transform3d = document.documentElement.className.indexOf('avia_transform3d') !== -1 ? true : false, transition = {}; return this.each(function() { var container = $(this), tabs = container.find('.av-section-tab-title'), tab_wrap = container.find('.av-tab-section-tab-title-container'), tab_nav = container.find('.av_tab_navigation'), content_wrap = container.find('.av-tab-section-inner-container'), single_tabs = container.find('.av-animation-delay-container'), //for elements inside the tab that receive waypoint animation min_width = 0, change_tab = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var current_tab = $(e.currentTarget), current_arrow = current_tab.find('.av-tab-arrow-container span'), tab_nr = current_tab.data('av-tab-section-title'), current_content = container.find('[data-av-tab-section-content="'+tab_nr+'"]'), new_bg = current_content.data('av-tab-bg-color'), new_font = current_content.data('av-tab-color'); tabs.attr('style','').removeClass('av-active-tab-title'); current_tab.addClass('av-active-tab-title'); if(new_bg != "") current_arrow.css('background-color', new_bg); if(new_font != "") current_tab.css('color', new_font); var new_pos = ((parseInt(tab_nr,10) - 1) * -100 ); if(cssActive) { //move the slides new_pos = new_pos / tabs.length; transition['transform'] = transform3d ? "translate3d(" + new_pos + "%, 0, 0)" : "translate(" + new_pos + "%,0)"; //3d or 2d transform? transition['left'] = "0%"; content_wrap.css(transition); } else { content_wrap.css('left', new_pos + "%"); } set_tab_titlte_pos(); setTimeout(function() { current_content.trigger('avia_start_animation_if_current_slide_is_active'); single_tabs.not(current_content).trigger('avia_remove_animation'); }, 600); }, set_min_width = function() { min_width = 0; tabs.each(function() { min_width += $(this).outerWidth(); }); tab_wrap.css('min-width',min_width); }, set_tab_titlte_pos = function() { //scroll the tabs if there is not enough room to display them all var current_tab = container.find('.av-active-tab-title'), viewport = container.width(), left_pos = viewport < min_width ? (current_tab.position().left * - 1) - (current_tab.outerWidth() / 2) + (viewport / 2): 0; if(left_pos + min_width < viewport) left_pos = (min_width - viewport) * -1; if(left_pos > 0) left_pos = 0; tab_wrap.css('left',left_pos ); }, switch_to_next_prev = function(e) { if(!isMobile) return; var clicked = $(e.currentTarget), current_tab = container.find('.av-active-tab-title'); if(clicked.is('.av_prev_tab_section')) { current_tab.prev('.av-section-tab-title').trigger('click'); } else { current_tab.next('.av-section-tab-title').trigger('click'); } } tabs.on('click', change_tab); tab_nav.on('click', switch_to_next_prev); win.on('debouncedresize', set_tab_titlte_pos); set_min_width(); //force a click on page load to properly set the tab color container.find('.av-active-tab-title').trigger('click'); content_wrap.avia_swipe_trigger({prev:'.av_prev_tab_section', next:'.av_next_tab_section'}); }); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Big Number animation shortcode javascript // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { // options.simple_up = dont prepend leading zeros, options.instant_start = trigger counting instantly, options.start_timer = delay when to start counting $.fn.avia_sc_animated_number = function(options) { if(!this.length) return; if(this.is('.avia_sc_animated_number_active')) return; this.addClass('avia_sc_animated_number_active'); var skipStep = false, simple_upcount = (options && options.simple_up) ? true : false, start_timer = (options && options.start_timer) ? options.start_timer : 300, start_count = function(element, countTo, increment, current, fakeCountTo) { //calculate the new number var newCount = current + increment; //if the number is bigger than our final number set the number and finish if(newCount >= fakeCountTo) { element.text(countTo); //exit } else { var prepend = "", addZeros = countTo.toString().length - newCount.toString().length //if the number has less digits than the final number some zeros where omitted. add them to the front for(var i = addZeros; i > 0; i--){ prepend += "0"; } if(simple_upcount) prepend = 0; element.text(prepend + newCount); window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){ start_count(element, countTo, increment, newCount, fakeCountTo) }); } }; return this.each(function() { var number_container = $(this), elements = number_container.find('.__av-single-number'), countTimer = number_container.data('timer') || 3000; //prepare elements elements.each(function(i) { var element = $(this), text = element.text(); if(window.addEventListener) element.text( text.replace(/./g, "0")); /*https://github.com/AviaThemes/wp-themes/issues/812*/ }); //trigger number animation number_container.addClass('number_prepared').on('avia_start_animation', function() { if(number_container.is('.avia_animation_done')) return; number_container.addClass('avia_animation_done'); elements.each(function(i) { var element = $(this), countTo = element.data('number'), fakeCountTo = countTo, current = parseInt(element.text(),10), zeroOnly = /^0+$/.test(countTo), increment = 0; //fallback for decimals like 00 or 000 if(zeroOnly && countTo !== 0) fakeCountTo = countTo.replace(/0/g, '9'); increment = Math.round( fakeCountTo * 32 / countTimer); if(increment == 0 || increment % 10 == 0) increment += 1; setTimeout(function(){ start_count(element, countTo, increment, current, fakeCountTo);}, start_timer); }); }); if(options && options.instant_start == true) { number_container.trigger('avia_start_animation'); } }); } })(jQuery); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // contact form ajax // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function($) { $.fn.avia_ajax_form = function(variables) { var defaults = { sendPath: 'send.php', responseContainer: '.ajaxresponse' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, variables); return this.each(function() { var form = $(this), form_sent = false, send = { formElements: form.find('textarea, select, input[type=text], input[type=checkbox], input[type=hidden]'), validationError:false, button : form.find('input:submit'), dataObj : {} }, responseContainer = form.next(options.responseContainer+":eq(0)"); send.button.bind('click', checkElements); //change type of email forms on mobile so the e-mail keyboard with @ sign is used if($.avia_utilities.isMobile) { send.formElements.each(function(i) { var currentElement = $(this), is_email = currentElement.hasClass('is_email'); if(is_email) currentElement.attr('type','email'); }); } function checkElements( e ) { // reset validation var and send data send.validationError = false; send.datastring = 'ajax=true'; send.formElements.each(function(i) { var currentElement = $(this), surroundingElement = currentElement.parent(), value = currentElement.val(), name = currentElement.attr('name'), classes = currentElement.attr('class'), nomatch = true; if(currentElement.is(':checkbox')) { if(currentElement.is(':checked')) { value = true } else {value = ''} } send.dataObj[name] = encodeURIComponent(value); if(classes && classes.match(/is_empty/)) { if(value == '' || value == null) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_email/)) { if(!value.match(/^[\w|\.|\-]+@\w[\w|\.|\-]*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,20}$/)) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_phone/)) { if(!value.match(/^(\d|\s|\-|\/|\(|\)|\[|\]|e|x|t|ension|\.|\+|\_|\,|\:|\;){3,}$/)) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/is_number/)) { if(!($.isNumeric(value)) || value == "") { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(classes && classes.match(/captcha/)) { var verifier = form.find("#" + name + "_verifier").val(), lastVer = verifier.charAt(verifier.length-1), finalVer = verifier.charAt(lastVer); if(value != finalVer) { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("error"); send.validationError = true; } else { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } nomatch = false; } if(nomatch && value != '') { surroundingElement.removeClass("valid error ajax_alert").addClass("valid"); } }); if(send.validationError == false) { if(form.data('av-custom-send')) { mailchimp_send(); } else { send_ajax_form(); } } return false; } function send_ajax_form() { if(form_sent){ return false; } form_sent = true; send.button.addClass('av-sending-button'); send.button.val(send.button.data('sending-label')); var redirect_to = form.data('avia-redirect') || false, action = form.attr('action'); responseContainer.load(action+' '+options.responseContainer, send.dataObj, function() { if(redirect_to && action != redirect_to) { form.attr('action', redirect_to); location.href = redirect_to; // form.submit(); } else { responseContainer.removeClass('hidden').css({display:"block"}); form.slideUp(400, function(){responseContainer.slideDown(400, function(){ $('body').trigger('av_resize_finished'); }); send.formElements.val('');}); } }); } function mailchimp_send() { if(form_sent){ return false; } form_sent = true; var original_label = send.button.val(); send.button.addClass('av-sending-button'); send.button.val(send.button.data('sending-label')); send.dataObj.ajax_mailchimp = true; var redirect_to = form.data('avia-redirect') || false, action = form.attr('action'), error_msg_container = form.find('.av-form-error-container'), form_id = form.data('avia-form-id'); $.ajax({ url: action, type: "POST", data:send.dataObj, beforeSend: function() { if(error_msg_container.length) { error_msg_container.slideUp(400, function() { error_msg_container.remove(); $('body').trigger('av_resize_finished'); }); } }, success: function(responseText) { var response = jQuery("